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The City Park Golf “400 acres” Puzzle

City Park is reported to be 1300 acres total. The new golf course planners claim the courses will be taking up “only 400 acres” of the park, or 31%. Since the only way these experts could come up with this low number is to not count the water features, we have created this handy grid map so everyone can attempt to determine for themselves what the real percentage of City Park area used for golf will be if these plans are approved. Have fun!

Directions: Download the pdf below and print it out. Count all the squares within the outer park boundary to get a total, then add up all the squares in green, representing the new expanded golf courses. Multiply the number of green squares by 100 and divide that number by the total number of squares, which will give you the percentage of the total being used for golf. Then multiply by 1300 acres, and voila! you have the number of acres planned for golf. Hint: we came up with 45%-47%, or roughly 600 acres.

